Reunion Dinner

50th Reunion Weekend

Saturday, September 3, 2005.  Held at the Regency Room of Amarillo Civic Center.

Steve Tillery, Marshall Cutright, Jr., Marshall Cutright, Sr. and Reno Moats pull up to the table. Reno Moats, Danny Moats, Steve Tillery, and Paige Tillery dig in.
Eric Hinton doesn't know where he is. Jenny White (Spencer's heart throb), James Spencer, Jonathan Wynne and Greg Wynne.  Jenny not so sure about all this (for good reason).
Myra Fithen, Stan Fithen, Sonny Scott and Dana Scott. Jo Bryant, Bruce Hite, Nora Wolfram, Walter Wolfram, Ben Sheppard and Jim Burton
Philip Koldoziej and his mom Tracey Kolodziej. Tony Koldoziej and his mom (Tony still needs lots of supervision).
Courtney Crisler, charter member of the Troop. Claude Alexander and Mike Alexander.
Bob Hart and Ted Abrahamson. Jim Burton, Morgan Haiduk, and Alma Sue Haiduk.  Yes Jim, you did deserve that swat.
Kramer Johnson, Tracey Johnson, Kelly Savage, Myra Fithen, Stan Fithen (the dignified one), Sonny Scott, Dana Scott. Kathy Krulik, Azriel Krulik, Ben Sheppard, Nora Wolfram.
Justin Smiley, Jennifer Smiley, Randy Smiley, Josh Smiley, Jeanetta Smiley, LaDonna Tunnell, Garry Wood (the one asking LaDonna to cover his ticket).  Robert Thurston is still out in the hall. Garry Wood, Charlie Phillips and Kiki Osborne.  David Worthen says hello to John Banks in line.  Money Changers are Duane Glasco, Paul Kiefer, and Chris Robles.
Dr. Steve Banks being patient (a Troop virtue).  David Worthen walking out.  Jim White and Mary White waiting their turn. Charlie Phillips and Kiki Osborne.  Steve Banks with son John Aiden Banks being held by John Banks (out of sight).
Robert Thurston, LaDonna Tunnell, Steve Tunnell , David Thurston, Jull Thurston. Betsy Hale, Jim Thompson (what is up with those shirts?), Mike Hale and Billy Bristow.
Charlie Phillips with all his friends.  Shelby no showed and left him all alone. Brent Naylor, Huntley Almond, Suzanne Price (who would not share her $50.00 door prize with her own son).
Jane Lincoln, Louie Lincoln, Max Lincoln, Matt Lincoln and Casey Fithen.  Not always good when people in uniform are grinning at you. Mrs. Kolodziej, Matthew Perez, Nancy Burton, Jim Burton (looks like he is looking for a fight), Greg Wynne, James McCollum and Jonathan Gwinn.
James Savage trying to get the crowd quiet.  Yeah, ... right. Dale Denny telling James Savage "how it used to be."  Mike Alexander feeding lines to Dale.
James Savage telling audience not to be too freaked out by the war stories from 50's and 60's.  Mike Alexander, Dale Denny and Chuck Morgan hope that the statute of limitations has run out. James Savage hoping Walter Wolfram does not speak too long (not that it ever happened before).

Walter Wolfram presenting plaque to Walter Skipworth and Lou Skipworth commemorating Walter Skipworth Committee Room. More old times stories.  Justin Smiley (90's), Peter Dekeratry (80's), Joseph Gettles (current), and Michael Walker (00's) all tell the bare truth and no exaggeration on their Troop 80 experiences to James Savage. 

See You in 2030


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